Nonstop. It can be a flyer, an ad, a form, or a stand. Digital or printed, it can also be an object. An award, a store, a concept. Since 2016, Libra is energy constantly in motion. The pre-established commitment to be "guardians of their identity" is nourished by the collaborative work among teams that challenges us to keep our minds sharp at all times.
The original logo had several technical issues. For instance, it was readable when used in two colors. We then decided to split de the letter I from the B, as well as work on the internal space layout. We also changed the counterforms and adjust the font weight, especially by leaving out the two-color print. Finally, we transformed it into what they thought they had from the beginning: an orange logo.
Pantone Actitud
Pantone Gerencial
Pantone Trama
Bree typography (by TypeTogether), with its rounded forms and a mix of printed and cursive letters, became the institutional font family. It evokes a feeling of familiarity and spontaneity present in the company's manifesto. Along the same idea, we reviewed verbal messages and paid close attention to image selection.

Libra TED - Branding for virtual producer annual event.

We developed a photographic style by which people and situations are perceived as real, relaxed, cool, and fun. As the company grows, this criterion is adopted for other products.
The Attitude Award is given to personalities from the worlds of sports, arts, and entertainment in recognition of their passion and commitment. To design this piece, we worked jointly with the industrial designer, Alejandro Alfano. It was developed from scratch as an exclusive design for Libra and it is closely connected with its institutional framework and the concept of transparency.
A corporate identity is expressed in diverse contexts. That is why we had an active part in the Casa Libra layout, defining how each of the spaces should be according to their functionality, as well as deciding on furnishing and equipment for each sector.
Tito, a small motorized robot with a heart and helmet, is the brand mascot for Libra’s internal communication. Developed in cooperation with the illustrator, Agustín Páez, it reminds employees how to separate waste, remembers birthdays, and is in charge of transmitting the company's values.